ChatGPT vs Google Search



Ask Can you analyze the relative strength and weakness of ChatGPT and Google search engine?

ChatGPTAs a language model, ChatGPT is designed to generate text that resembles human conversation. It has been trained on a large dataset of chat logs and is able to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses to text prompts, often with a conversational or chatty tone.

One of the strengths of ChatGPT is its ability to generate text that is coherent and flows naturally, making it well-suited for tasks such as chatbot development or language translation. Additionally, ChatGPT can be fine-tuned for specific tasks or domains, allowing it to generate text that is more relevant and accurate for a particular use case.

One potential weakness of ChatGPT is that, like all language models, it is limited by the data it has been trained on. This means that it may not always be able to generate text that is completely accurate or relevant, especially for tasks or topics that are outside of its training data.

Google’s search engine is a powerful tool for finding information on the internet. It is able to search billions of web pages and return relevant results in a matter of seconds. One of the strengths of Google’s search engine is its vast index of web pages and the ability to return results that are highly relevant to the user’s query.

One potential weakness of Google’s search engine is that it is dependent on the quality and relevance of the content on the web. If the content on the web is not accurate or up-to-date, the search results returned by Google may not be as useful or reliable. Additionally, the search results returned by Google may be biased or influenced by the ranking algorithms used by the search engine, which can impact the relevance and objectivity of the results.



Ask When is the earliest year Union Pacific started to pay dividend?

Ask When is the earliest year York Water Company started to pay dividend?

Ask When is the earliest year Bank of Nova Scotia started to pay dividend?

这些问题ChatGPT都给出了准确无误的答案:Union Pacific: 1890年; York Water Company: 1816年; Bank of Nova Scotia: 1832年.而且还告诉说这些公司自那以后,一直连续不断,每年都给股东发股息。



Ask Can you explain the ‘thousand brains’ theory work developed by Jeff Hawkins?

ChatGPT:The “thousand brains” theory, developed by neuroscientist Jeff Hawkins, is a theory of how the brain processes and stores information. It suggests that the brain is made up of many small, specialized regions, or “columns,” that work together to process different types of information. Each of these columns is thought to have its own specific function, such as recognizing patterns, identifying objects, or processing language.

According to the theory, the brain’s processing power comes from the interaction and coordination of these columns, rather than from any single region or area. This approach suggests that the brain is more like a network of interconnected systems, rather than a single, unified entity.

The “thousand brains” theory has been influential in the field of neuroscience and has helped to shape our understanding of how the brain works. It has also been used to inform the development of artificial intelligence systems, which aim to replicate some of the functions of the human brain.

把问题输入Google搜索框,首先第一条是Amazon上卖‘A Thousand Brains’这本书的链接,然后是一些包括盖茨在内的书评链接,还有Jeff Hawkins自己在YouTube上介绍这个理论的视频链接。这样的两种形式可以说是各有优劣。如果搜索着对这个话题就是想简单了解一下,ChatGPT这样一个的简洁单一、明确响应的体验更可取。而如果搜索者想对这个话题进行深入探究,那Google搜索所提供的的众多信息会更有价值。这题我本来想判Google搜索小胜,但是考虑到它首先就想到推销卖书,让我略有不爽,就判平局。

从以上三个例子其实已经可以看出两者之间优劣的一些端倪。对大多数搜索者和搜索场景来说,ChatGPT所给的单一明确形式的用户体验更佳。从信息搜索工具的演进路径来说,Google搜索曾经毫不费力地打败了提供明确形式答案的搜索工具,如,, 而占据了绝大部分的搜索市场份额。Google搜索靠的是其背后巨大的实时全网信息库以及强大的算力支撑,而这两点对于ChatGPT来说已经不见得是绝对优势了。Google搜索的优化算法依然将权重放在关键词上,会让搜索引擎对有些问题的理解完全偏失;而对广告收入的考量,也多多少少会让用户体验打折扣。对于ChatGPT来说,虽然搜索问题答案只是其功能的一部分,但是它目前的局限性也很明显,就是没有能够做到全网信息的实时更新,对于一些时效性强的问题就根本没有办法和Google搜索抗衡。要做到全网信息的实时更新虽然在技术和资金上对于OpenAI和其投资者们来说并不是更具一个巨大的挑战,但是Google控制的互联网的底层基础设施将会给Google很大的优势,所以Google有相当的窗口期来改弦更张,继续优化自己的搜索引擎。所以从企业战略的角度来说,我们猜测OpenAI很可能不会让 ChatGPT 在搜索这一块来和Google搜索抢占地盘,而会强化其他功能来进行商业化。

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