



关于写感谢卡的时间,习惯上是在假期前后,在年底,当他们退休或在教师感谢周期间写一张卡片。也可以向一位尽心尽力帮助自己或孩子的老师表达感激之情,或者联系以前的一位老师 – 他们会很乐意听到你的消息!



  • 感激的表达
  • 要感激什么
  • 他们给你的感觉如何,对你的生活有什么帮助
  • 附上一张孩子的便条、图片或想法







老师喜欢知道你心存感激,但他们更喜欢知道自己到底做了什么改变了世界 – 即使只是一些简单的事情,比如‘Kenzi喜欢你讲关于你孩子的有趣故事。谢谢你逗她笑!’ – 这也很好。









老师是否花了很多额外的时间和精力来帮助你或孩子?提供无条件的支持?让他们的学习走上正轨?在没人支持孩子的时候支持孩子?这种类型的感谢信应该承认他们的额外工作,并表达他们的重要性 – 一定要注意到他们额外的工作和牺牲。

  • “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for staying after school every Wednesday to help Jane with her math. She’s totally caught up now, thanks to you!”
  • “Thank you so much for arranging that after-school field trip to the space museum! I know that was a lot of extra time for you, but it meant so much to Jacob. He wants to be an astronaut and study astronomy now.”
  • “Your social studies unit on current events has really changed how Lyla thinks about things and has made for some great dinner discussions. I so appreciate all the extra thought and preparation you put into your lessons.”


  • “I will be forever grateful for all the help you gave us making sure that Madison had the right supplies she needed to succeed this year. You have been such a bright spot during a dark time for our family.”
  • “Leo will always remember this year as the year his parents got divorced, but he’ll also always remember this year as the year his teacher spent nearly every recess listening to him talk. Thank you so much for being that person for him and for helping us connect with a therapist.”
  • “Thank you so much for being so vigilant and noticing when Clarissa was being bullied. We had no idea what was wrong, and you stepped in at just the right moment. I know it can’t have been easy for you, but Clarissa is a happier, stronger and more compassionate child because of your example.”


  • “You are the best! We are so grateful that Teddy had you as his teacher for fourth grade. It was such a big year for him, and he learned so much. He discovered a new love for lesser-known animals after your unit on bats.”
  • “Thank you so much for all your hard work with Jordan this year! We know he started out a little behind, but thanks to you, he feels ready and excited for sixth grade and moving on to middle school.”
  • “You’ve been one of June’s favorite teachers ever! She loved reading time and the stories you picked and how you made them feel real. She also loved your crafting station! Thanks for all you do for our kids!”
  • “It’s been a privilege having Marcus in your class this year! Thanks for being such a great teacher! We hope you enjoy your summer break, and we’ll see you next year.”


  • “Dear [Teacher], I hope you enjoy this pink rose—I heard they are your favorite! You deserve all the flowers. Thanks a bunch for everything you do for our second graders!”
  • “Thanks so much for ‘treating’ Amara every day with new lessons and activities. We hope you enjoy this special treat she picked out for you!”
  • “Three things Pilar loves about your class: 1) how funny you are, 2) how you let them eat lunch with you if they want and 3) the class bunny. Thanks so much for making every day special and fun for our kiddos!”


  • “Dear Mr. T, I had you for fifth grade at Wilson Elementary. I just wanted to let you know that even though it’s been years since I’ve seen you, I still remember how you taught me to read and understand poetry. Reading and writing poems is one of my favorite things to do now, and every time I do, I think of you. Thanks for giving me such a beautiful gift.”
  • “Hey, Ms. A, this may seem out of the blue, but the other day I was sharing with my kids some of my favorite memories of school, including my favorite teacher—you! I never told you then, but 8th grade was one of the hardest years of my life, and knowing that I would see you every day made all the difference. Remember the time we did a beach picnic in the gym in January? Thanks for all the times you made me laugh and for teaching me to see the positive.”
  • “Dear Mrs. S, you’ve been on my mind lately, and I just wanted to let you know what a difference you made in my life. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life at the start of my senior year of high school, but after taking your business class, I was inspired to go to college and become an entrepreneur. Thank you for taking the time to share your passion with me!”



  • 不要过于简单或笼统。简单地说“谢谢”是很好的,但它本身没有意义。也就是说,给老师写一封简短的感谢信也是完全可以的!
  • 不要撒谎。有些父母可能会感到压力,说他们的孩子喜欢什么,而他们并不喜欢。找到一些真正感激的事情,把它们写下来,而不是编造一些东西。
  • 不要使用粗糙的卡片。笑话和双关语很有趣,但要确保它们恰当。
  • 不要忽略和孩子交谈。他们的经历会影响感谢信,他们应该是写信过程的一部分。
  • 不要批评。这不是发泄或批评老师的技能或分享你认为他们可以改进的方法的时候。
  • 不要比较。可以说这位老师是孩子最喜欢的老师之一,但不能说:“西蒙喜欢你比P先生多!”
  • 不要太担心语法和拼写。卡片上的信息是最重要的。记住:老师不是在给你打分!


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数学界的“游牧侠”:Paul Erdős 的传奇人生

Paul Erdős(1913年-1996年),匈牙利籍犹太人。1913 年 3 月 26 日出生……




